Sometimes, folks don't mind living on the streets. Max lived on the streets of St. Paul, Minnesota, for several years before he was picked up by a rescue group. And while he certainly does appreciate living with his new people, he kind of missed meeting lots of new friends every day. Fortunately for Max, he now lives right across a small street from a college!
Connie Lipton was the happy adopter who took him home to live with her and her husband, his new human dad, who is a professor teaching religious studies at Macalester College. Every day when it was time for school, Max begged to go with his dad. Finally, his dreams came true and he was allowed to visit the college, filled with all kinds of new friends.
Of course, Max is kind of magical in that he makes friends extremely easily, so soon students all over the campus knew him well. There was virtually no place on campus that Max was not known. But one place became off limits to Max, and it spawned an internet sensation.
Because Max is very light-footed, the staff of the library at Macalester decided it would be best if they didn't lock him in by accident at night. Besides, one of them was very allergic to cats. So a sign was posted to the door, asking people not to let Max in. Notice Max's displeasure.
What happened from there was nothing short of a revolution. Students began posting online about the obvious discrimination of not allowing Max into the library. From poems to pictures, they stated their objections to not allowing Max inside.
Several bright souls even made library cards for him. But, alas! Max was still not allowed back inside the library.
When construction began on the college campus, Max was confined to his house, where he watched, forlornly, as his friends passed his window every day.
One day, a note was taped to the door, begging Max's humans to let him come visit.
The Liptons decided that they could allow Max to visit the campus, but only on a leash. It was for his own good, but was certainly not Max's preference. Still, visiting his friends was the goal, so Max went along.
“He’s going crazy. He cries and howls and paces around, looking out the windows,” Lipton said. “I’m really hoping he takes to walking on the leash. Then I can just walk him over there and he can still see his peeps and have his social life.”
Max's online social life, meanwhile, has mushroomed. At latest count, his followers topped 2,500. Connie Lipton is now thinking of training Max to be a therapy cat since he likes making new friends so much. What do you think about that idea?